Pakistan army is a dynasty and not an institution
Actors: Army High Command, a Colonel Defense Force (CDF), or (“Command”); Ali Amin Gundapur, the Chief Minister of KP province; Zarak Khan, a Pakhtunkhwa; Pakhtunkhwa, the people of Pakhtunkhwa (KP) province.
By the year-end, there is no reason why the colonial yoke in Pakistan would not sunset. If it did not, any delay could commit Zarak Khan, a Pakhtunkhwa, directing his ire at those that disappoint. This cause and effect scenario is from a Pashtun’s manifestation.
For the youthful Gundapur, the sails are set and the oars unfolded for a speedy journey set by the Pakhtunkhwa province, who are not just the rowers. Gundapur should hope he is a skilled sea-man to make the chartered course. Else, he should expect a mutiny. A mutiny or his destination lurking on the horizon.
Zarak Khan
A destination influenced by actors. Among the Pashtuns, this man, with not much at his disposal—coming not from wealth but rather as an unknown figure—has, through his eventual manifestation, made the inevitable clear in a social media message. In an IF–THEN statement, he aims at Ali Amin Gundapur. We will call him Zarak Khan.
As for the young Gundapur, he is dealt a set of cards. His winning hand mandates slipping a card from his sleeve! May he benefit from his father’s wisdom, who is no longer among the living.
The Command’s Predicament
When the political strife reaches just below the boiling point, expect the Command sponsor to admonish the Command and instruct them that they can’t jump ship, as they are on their payroll.
Knowing their sponsor, who throws good power after the bad, the instructions default to maintaining the pattern when the strife reaches the boiling point.
A blood bath has to ensue, right at the cut off the boiling point clearly marked in red. After which, the Command jumping the ship will come without the sponsor’s blessings, and with consequences.
Unlike, Shaikh Hasina of Bangladesh, no chopper is collecting the cadre of the marked men. Expect about twenty four generals or more, squeezing their mass into Air Force one, calling each other names.
In the absence of a sponsor’s green light, a deal with Imran Khan is of utmost importance. Though, a deal is not an option.
Without a deal and a green light, the conflict’s epicenter is the KP, the foremost axis of resistance. Where the command will enter into with confidence. Not knowing they were doomed on April 09, 2022.
The Command is Unaware They Have a Dynasty
The proof of their doom is in this wisdom. The Command’s other name is the dynasty, which they are not aware of. Where the survival of the dynasty takes priority over any ideology. The dynasty’s survival will work as long as it is a unified symbol. The symbol of unity was broken by Bajwa in April 2022. Now the dynasty must fail without pragmatic corrective action.
The command is advised to take measures known to save dynasty. Such as shifting policies, weakening the rule of law and when necessary they can impose shifting ideologies, usually a long term measure. These measures, have fractured unity, and it is not a coincidence.
The Command is “blinded by the speed of events totally engrossed in micro management. Being pushed down the slippery slope by wrong perceptions deliberately constructed by cunning but professional enemies.” –From one of their own.
The drastic measures by the Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman were taken to ensure the control of his dynasty. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) is governed by a ruling dynasty that prioritizes its survival over any specific ideology. The dynasty makes ‘pragmatic’ decisions to maintain power, a strategy effective as long as there is unity within the ruling family and the kingdom. Knowing the KSA has an exploding youth population, the Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s Vision 2030 aims to manage the large youth population by involving them in these ‘pragmatic’ policies to sustain the dynasty’s control and power.
The Command’s “cunning but professional enemies” would not allow pragmatic advice in a collapsing dynasty. Hence, the idiomatic expression, “They are in no mood to listen.” –From one of their own.
The Command’s misfortune is curing challenges within a misdiagnosed ailment. Pakistan Army is a dynasty and not an institution. The strategic advice from ill intentions does not fit the ailment. The results are destructive.
The Command’s misfortune is in their over confidence in managing conflict where the state of affairs is not in unity, a fundamental pillar of maintaining the dynasty’s control. The dis-unity came about from stupidly submitting to a foreign call.
The Command’s misfortune is in the lack of wisdom that miscalculated IK’s ultimate sportsmen endurance and the dire zeal bursting to the finish line.
Adding to this misfortune, KP holds similar traits as IK. Multiply the Command’s miscalculations in the case of IK by the factor strength of KP, defines the magnitude of the challenge for the Command.
The Command will have a faceoff with the enlarged set of traits. The Traits: Intransigence, focus, perseverance and Pashtuns refusing to submit.
The command calls this a ground reality and is expressly confident they can crush KP. This bullish demeanor has assured their benefactors the success of their plan’s building blocks to cut a country down to size.
The consequence, the more the command tries to impose their will, the stronger the Pashtun resistance is to grow.
In the end, the Pashtuns’ fight for their cause, joined by the folks of Punjab will bring about a profound change to the political landscape.
Before the expected peace, the command is dismissive of Pashtunwali; he treats the Pashtun villagers with disdain. They have imposed harsh measures attempting to break the Pashtun spirit. For Zarak Khan, this was an affront to his honor and his people’s dignity.
From history we know, the Command’s children will be abducted. Ambushes of the 1970s and the 1990s will repeat. The army will be driven out of KP.
Zarak, a peculiar thinker from his traits is not interested in a bifurcated his homeland. Pashtuns are capable of administering themselves due to the province’s inbuilt code.
A pondering risk, a Pakhtunkhwa will be forced to make choices he would not otherwise commit to. Eventually, joining groups.
An assault on the army’s high command in Punjab will begin. All will join, including Afghanistan and the miscreants. The hunt for generals to ensue. No one to be spared. Things will be done to their women and children.
Peace and justice can come back under a Pashtun rule with a human cost.
The misunderstood Pashtuns will let a true native of Punjab watch over the interest of Punjab. Sindh to follow suit and the benefits of Baluchistan’s struggle restored.
A miracle has happened. IK has exposed all. Similarly, in KP, earnest citizens will emerge. The undesirables will be weeded out in due course. IK is not in a hurry.
Pakistan must not allow Pashtun politicians. A Pashtun politician is a likely candidate as the enemy of the State and Pashtunwali. Pashtuns have a better system, their code of governance. Pakistan must welcome governance through Pashtunwali.
Zarak Khan will emerge. Murad Saeed is the younger relative of Zarak Khan–metaphoric. The difference is, Zarak Khan is not from the docile Swat region. “He is a man of war and trade.” –Lord Curzon.
For India, the prospect of Pashtuns or Afghanistan ruling parts of her territory may not be a current political reality. However, the historic geopolitical dynamics have made India aware of the possibility of being ruled by Pashtuns again. Consequently, India’s desire to disengage from Afghanistan in its foreign policy is unquestionable.
This lingering political Indian thought should be a reminder for the dynasty, they are about to go down, ransacked, killed or apprehended.
Bio: Mian Hameed is the author of MANIPULATION OF THE MIND: Our Children and Our Policy at Peril. He is a student of the U.S. and South Asia foreign policy. My articles do not present the conventional thoughts of the mainstream media. To read my work, click the Home link below.