Americans are given entertainment so we do not ask questions to make America for us a better country. A Roman collasium was made so Romans would not ask questions. This is the reason why entertainment pays higher salaries.
Kansas City Chiefs won big. Defensive tackle Chris Jones finished Saturday night with 15.5 sacks. Chris will earn a base salary of $3,750,000 and with incentives and bonus a dead cap value $36,957,333. –Sportrac.
Players are entitled to no more than 48.5 percent of the NF leagues revenue. NFL generated $16 billion in 2018 and Forbes believes the combined 32 franchises are worth $92 billion. –Fox business
Not being bitter about it, but why are pro athletes paid in million? Similarly, Hollywood stars are paid in millions. Are they paid more because we love to watch them? What innovative strategy enabled the league and Hollywood stars that compelled the media companies and guild to pay them in millions respectively?
Is it the capitalistic logic, make the business so expensive to limit the entry? Just like the poor usually cannot afford going into politics. Is it the price income elasticity, i.e., if it is greater than one (1), then keep raising the price and the total revenue will keep increasing? People are willing to pay higher tickets.
Entertainment is a drug, addiction, it is a choice and that choice Americans have made. Can we say Americans like to entertain themselves? With affluence and choice, reaching out to get entertained is not difficult. It is always there. Try taking remote from your husband! He is watching sports if he is not working!
If he is working, then he is thinking of benefiting his employer and if he is getting entertained from remote in his hand, I would say Americans are not thinking then! And later thinking, why Americans have become a disenfranchised bunch—alienated and the system is not working for them.
The soccer mom is busy with nurturing her kinds, transporting one child from one ball practice to another. Mom is entitled to her entertainment, to relax and unwind, to get ready for another tough day. Working mom has added responsibilities.
All of this hectic life fits like a glove with the set of controls I talk about in my scholarship by which society is managed in the interest of the one. Shall we say the owners of the system. A system that has involved us in entertainment so they can make policies without our input.
Making America great is possible for the rightful owners, “We The People,” provided we understand the invisible hand that is pulling us down. It is a tired assumption that the power of the powerless—the people, can come from a politician’s vision. Understanding and undoing the first control that is pulling us down will start America on a journey of greatness.
This description come from my book, MANIPULATION OF THE MIND: Our Children and Our Policy, is a study of a set of controls used to manage American society. Through my research, I have discovered that an organization called the Milner Group instituted the control methods over time to exploit the American people. These controls are means to manipulate our domestic and foreign policy to the group’s benefit. In our foreign policy, I illustrate from my focus on the South Asia policy. From the manipulated polices, the controls have created a disenfranchised class of Americans.
Of the five controls, the K-12 teaching method is the principal control mechanism and serves as the foundation on which the other four controls are built and enable the manipulation of policy and management of society. Since our K-12 curriculum is based mostly on multiple choice patterns, it teaches students connectionism. Unfortunately, these connections are someone else’s as is the “truth” on which it is based.
Once having the understanding of the controls, the reader is able to develop intellectual self-defense and acquires the power to own knowledge. In the last two chapters, Chapter 9, “The United States of America: The Interest,” is about the American people’s compromised interest because The Milner Group’s pursuit of their “vital interest,” which is the furthest from the people’s interest.
I begin Chapter 9, with a gentleman named, Hal. He symbolizes to me the great American who had lived a life with honor. Hal is seventy-nine years old. He had a brief career in the military as an officer, and now he is managing an auto repair shop.
After I had broken the ice with Hal, with confidence, I asked, what has been the interest of the United States? While busy with his paperwork, without giving me any eye contact, Hal somberly replied, “Surely the interest is not us [the people].”
Hal’s reply made it evident to me one more time how the obvious (our interest) has become so inconspicuous. The reason is, we have fallen into a well calculated trap, sprung upon the American people, and is maintained by these controls.
Chapter 10, is the reflection of the United States of America. I introduce readers to realities that do not make it into the mainstream media (MSM) or the intrigue of the modern intellectuals to fetch the interest of the people. I begin the American reflection by equating with “Kultur” or “strategic mentality” was a wonderful thing for Berlin, but not for civilization. Our children are at peril because The Milner Group has transplanted their mentality into our government’s needs and has given our nation a fatal momentum.
This fatal momentum has a story to learn from and do the right things for the benefit of our children and our country. Reclaiming our country, which is within our powers is the message.