Woke Guest Calls Building a Wall on the Southern Boarder a Symbol of Hate

Tucker of TUCKER CARLSON tonight (FOX NEWS) had a heated argument with his Woke Guest. The lady guest argues that President Trump’s proposal of building a wall at the border of Mexico is a “symbol of hate.” Tucker rebuts, do ”you suggest America does not have the right to protect its borders that seems is a very odd attitude who has benefited so much from her adopted country.” The Woke Guest is a Latino immigrant.

Pardon me to define the American Woke. Woke is defined as being ‘politically and socially aware’ of social injustices in our society. The right say, the people are becoming Overly Woke and the left are for the Woke. The left (the liberals) claim being awake is an acknowledgement of injustice.

The right side calls the leftist liberals as the “snowflakes,” meaning “the hypersensitivity of a younger generation.” The left finds the right having deficiencies; like the “comedic deficiencies” are the Conservatives.

How can Americans have the gumption to put their foot down to move away from the left and right use of a load of a scattergun-shot insults to deal with issues? Logic from the ideals fail to resonate from the lack of higher order thinking teachings, which I claim manipulates us from the K-12 teaching methods and not K-12 education. Fix K-12 schooling and Voila! We are on our way to a wholesome society.

Let’s attempt to understand the Tucker and the Woke Guest debate with a little more thinking.  Tucker—how a country’s expression of protecting its borders is an expression of hate? Woke Guest—Wall is not a best way to protect our borders and it is a symbol of hate. Tucker interrupts the guest; explain, “Why is it a symbol of hate.”

There is a commonsense approach to the matter. In the IT world, we have a firewall to keep bad guys out—building a wall can make sense. We have the Republicans and the Democrats—are value based platforms that have lost the recollection of the fact that they were given a constitutional Republic which stands for “individual freedom” and not a constitutional Democracy that stands for “universal  equality.” –Former FBI agent Dan Smoot.

Extending Smoot’s premise, an individual freedom essentially is freedom of thought whether a Republican or a Democrat. Therefore, when a Republican argues for the wall, he may not realize he falls within the aims of a Republic once he was given. When a  Democrat argues against the wall, their freedoms align with the democratic “universal  equality.”

Hence, what actually happening is what Dan Smoot argued some fifty years ago. Subverting our Republic into Democracy by means of tactics. The use of language and the term democracy, “until people thoughtlessly accept and use the term. The totalitarians have obscured the real meaning of our principles of government.”

An insight into totalitarians and our principles of government is addressed in my book MANIPULATION OF THE MIND: Our Children and Our Policy at Peril, and from there we draw a bigger thought, the impact from building the wall, I share from my book as follows:

The American ethos usually aligns with the two party system that can let us choose from seeing a wall as an immoral issue; meeting security concerns or as Newt Gingrich said, “It was a great campaign device.” Else, we can speak of the impact from the building a wall on the American foreign policy. That is, if building a wall is more than a campaign device, then what conclusions can we draw.

“The isolation from wall can serve as one means to ultimately let go of the United States Monroe Doctrine and undoing the reason why the Civil War was fought for. Trump and Steve Bannon are not globalist. The other names for the Monroe Doctrine are colonialism, globalism, NAFTA, TTP, and planning the means to create turmoil in other countries to rule with Monroe.

Building a wall is dangerous for the Milner Group’s [Totalitarian’s] ideas in their sacred “procedural democracy.” Mass immigration into the United States is means to making the mix of people docile, is a first-class objective of The Milner Group.

All these objectives can be acceptable if the interest of our children are placed before those that have been detrimental to the American way of life.” –Id.

Democracy and Capitalism base is values and not logic. Values is means to societal divide. Just as digital divide can be reduced from access to technology, the social divide can be reduced from access to greater critical thinking by abandoning the current K-12 teaching methods.