The Meaning of Pukhto (Pashtu)
Pukhto is the name for modesty, courage, zeal, humanity and bravery. Pukhto is the name for dignity, respect and ghairat [No translation can codify]
Pukhto is not alone a single language. It is a name of culture and discipline
Pukhto is a treaty with the victim. It is a name against the every Disgust and the Merciless
Pukhto is looking at the black hair (women) with heavy respect. It is a name of Asmat (pure and clean) when looking at the adolescent girls
Pukhto is a standard (signature) for religion and values. It is the name of honesty and civility
Pukhto does not turn away face from the sword. It is the name for courage and chivalry
Pukhto for the guest sacrifices wealth and for hospitality he revolves. It is the name of honesty and giving
But listen to the Farangi and the Mullah, what they say. They speak Pukhto, but these are names of an ignorant
They say, in Pukhto there is half Kafiri [practice of a Kafir] Is the name of the lost and indignity
But in response replies Hamza. Pukhto, my dear one is the name of heaven.
Beautiful rendering. The problem is that modern Pushtun has restricted Pushto to a language. Whereas when a Pushtin taints someone by saying that, “ You have no Pushto” means something totally different. It is a code of life that he is referring to and not a language; not even a race or tribe.
Sir, thank you. I agree. After birth, Pukhto becomes a genetic code that if made "near-universal" within all life on Earth, the earth will meet heaven.